TLC...new Muslim show
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Brenda Here
2011-11-10 21:58:08 UTC
i think its about people in Dearborne i'm gonna check it out see whats
Jack Johnson
2011-11-11 04:56:48 UTC
Yeah, I saw the commercial. I think it's on starting Sunday. I'm gonna
watch it. The one Muslim women they showed was flat out MOUTHY. I bet
it is Dearborn. Dearborn has the biggest Muslim population in the

My brother and I have had to deal with Muslims, in Dearborn, (on
business). Some seem very nice. But, we've delt with a few men who
are religious control freaks. These ARE the people who want to change
America. They want Sharia Law, (over my DEAD body). These are the
people I WISH would leave, and go to the Middle East.
Jack Johnson
2011-11-15 05:50:50 UTC
Like I suspected, they picked the most middle class/educated/western
Muslims in Dearborn. Most of the women on the show don't even wear a
head covering, and look VERY secular. VERY non-religious. That IS NOT
representative of many parts of Islam. NOT even representative of
several parts of Dearborn.

I suspect TLC, (and much of the liberal media), don't want to rock the
boat, and want to make "American" Islam look different than Islam in
other parts of the world. When that just isn't true with many Muslims.
They cherry picked the people they wanted to show not to scare anyone.
I think it's good to see some ordinary "American" Muslims, who are

But, they don't do the subject justice, by not showing the "other half"
of Islam. If they did......it WOULD scare a lot of people into
realizing there ARE anti-American Muslims living, and working, in the
United States. And, would like nothing better than to try and CHANGE
it. To impose their religion, and Sharia Law on everyone.
Brenda Here
2011-11-15 14:59:15 UTC
i started to watch it then fell asleep am gonna ty and watch it next
week....and to think TLC pays them to put their BS on tv
